Case Study: Jennifer, In Sickness And In Health
Jennifer suffered from several chronic disorders and diseases, which made her weak, fatigued, and unable to perform even the simplest of activities. Thanks to her husband’s love and unwavering determination to help her, she began to meditate. By repeatedly tuning in to the potential of health and feeling an abundance of energy throughout her body, she healed herself and manifested a life of health and well-being.
Five years ago, Jennifer’s doctor diagnosed her with several new illnesses, in addition to the numerous other health issues she already suffered from. In total, her diagnoses included a few autoimmune disorders (lupus erythematosus and Sjögren’s syndrome with sicca complex), some gastrointestinal disorders (celiac disease, salicylate intolerance, and lactose intolerance), chronic asthma, kidney disease, arthritis, and vertigo so acute it often resulted in vomiting.
Every day was a struggle. Even just brushing her teeth was difficult because she lacked enough strength to hold her arm up for very long. Her partner, Jim, often had to brush her hair for her. When Jim was away on business, which was often, Jennifer had to take a nap after work so she could have enough strength to cook dinner.
“The hardest thing was that I felt like a terrible mother because I couldn’t do anything with my boys—and that broke my heart,” she told me. “I would have to sleep most of the weekend just to be able to get up to go to work Monday morning. All the happy pictures I posted on Facebook during the weekend were captured in about one hour.”
By this point, Jennifer weighed only 108 pounds and struggled to walk due to arthritis and severe swelling in her ankles and knees. She could no longer use her right hand to open containers or cut vegetables because of the pain and arthritis. At times she would lie in bed and hit her arms against her night table to stop the pain. Her body was in a constant state of acute inflammation, and even the specialists she saw said they couldn’t do anything more for her and that she had to learn to live with all her conditions as best she could. Although she never admitted it to anyone, she feared she might only have a few years left to live. She may have been ready to give up, but Jim wasn’t.
Every night Jim devoured books looking for alternative solutions, repeatedly encouraging Jennifer to keep going. Then Jim found You Are the Placebo and read about a woman with a similar condition who was able to heal herself. Jennifer and Jim agreed that she had to go to a workshop.
Two months later, in June 2014, Jennifer attended a weekend workshop in Sydney, Australia. She started to feel a bit better and registered for an advanced workshop in Mexico. Unfortunately, around the time she was scheduled to leave for the workshop, she developed an 8.5-millimeter kidney stone, and her doctor refused to let her fly. So she missed it, but she kept doing her meditations (getting up at 4:50 A.M. every day), and when I held the next advanced workshop in Australia the following year, both she and Jim attended.
“I remember the first night I could hardly make it up the stairs to our room, which was normal for me,” she reported. “But by the end of the workshop, I was walking around like a healthy person and didn’t have to use my asthma medication. The day before we left, Jim said that I was looking so well I should try some normal food. Apprehensive, I gave it a go—and no adverse effects! No pain, no asthma, no cramps, no headache—nothing! I think it was the best pizza I’ve ever had.”
When she did her meditations, Jennifer gave it her all. She repeatedly tuned in to the potential of health and felt an abundance of energy throughout her body that could carry her all day long. In the meditation, when I asked the students to live from that new state of being, she imagined her feet hitting the ground and heard her breath as she joyfully ran. By the end of her meditation, she was crying tears of joy. Eventually, Jennifer conditioned her body to forget what illness feels like, looks like, sounds like, and tastes like by raising her energy, changing her frequency, reconditioning her body to a new mind, and signaling new genes to repair her body.
“Now I eat normal food,” she reports, “and I haven’t used my asthma medication since June 2015. I can walk up to ten miles a day and lift forty-five pounds. I’m training, and my goal is to complete a half marathon, which I will soon do.”
~Excerpt from the book “Becoming Supernatural—How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, California, 2017~