How Rajeshwari Fought Physical Disability and Manifested a Life Partner Through Strong Intention and Meditation

Childhood Imprints

Rajeshwari was a very active and enthusiastic child, with a habit of observing people’s behavior. Others often treated her less than fairly. She was perceived as silent and introverted, and her mother often scolded her for being lazy and worthless. She had a limp due to a wound on her foot, and her relatives used to say she was less attractive than her siblings. All this made a strong imprint on Rajeshwari’s personality. She started accepting their opinions as a true measure of her worth and gradually developed an inferiority complex. She started feeling lonely and stopped expressing herself. Even though she was extremely interested in various activities at the school, she stopped participating, thinking that her schoolmates would laugh at her. She also developed a fear of speaking to new people, influenced by her mother’s warnings that strangers are dangerous. Her home atmosphere was not harmonious either—her parents often fought with each other, and her mother had to endure many restrictions. As a result, Rajeshwari developed contempt towards the institution of marriage and decided never to get married.  

An Incident That Changed Her Life

When Rajeshwari was 19, a monkey attacked her and bit her on the head. She had a deep cut. She then received the wrong type of rabies vaccine — one which was supposed to be given after a dog bite, instead of a monkey bite. As a result, she developed a fever, and became unconscious, as her body developed an infection. She got hospitalized, but her situation further deteriorated due to another medical mistake. Within a day, her condition became more serious, and she went into a coma. She was transferred to another hospital in the city where, after 24 hours, she regained consciousness. However, she still suffered from a fever as she had a deep cut on her head due to the monkey bite. She gradually developed paralysis in her legs and lost her memory. Doctors prescribed a specific regime of medicines, which she was to take continuously for 6 months. However, at that time one of her relatives also gave her some traditional, plant-based medicine against paralysis. Her reaction to this medicine was severe—she developed a fever and had to be again admitted to the hospital. This time, the doctors gave her an injection into the backbone. Due to a reaction between the injection and the plant-based medicine, her entire body got paralyzed. She spent the next three years in bed, completely paralyzed. Her condition slightly improved after she took some Ayurvedic medication, but due to financial restraints, her parents had to terminate her new medical treatment.  

Rajeshwari Gets Introduced to Meditation

Rajeshwari got depressed and lost hope that life would ever get back to normal. By seeing her dependency on others, she no longer wanted to live, and she began to contemplate death. One day, her father’s friend introduced her to meditation. At first, Rajeshwari believed that meditation had to be done in a specific posture and that her physical situation would make it impossible for her to meditate. However, she started listening to inspirational stories and reading books intensely. When she found out that meditation could be done in any comfortable posture, she gradually started spending more time in meditation.  

When she came across the concept of ‘acceptance,’ she began to realize that every situation in our life comes to us as a life lesson. She began to understand that there is no way to escape from life and that we can choose between pain (resistance) and life (acceptance). Through acceptance, she started to change her way of thinking about her life. She gradually overcame all the fears that were deeply rooted within her since childhood. Through meditation, she got clarity about herself; she understood that her self-image was based on misconceptions imposed by others. She realized her beauty, independent of what the world said about her. She started to believe in herself, disregarding the words of those around her. Of all things said to her, she accepted only those in which she found value. She also gave up the feeling of being victimized and began to believe she could live a normal life like others.

The Power of Manifestation  

Even though she became mentally strong, Rajeshwari was still physically dependent on her parents. She deeply desired independence and, with a strong will, she started trying to move and get up from the bed by herself. When she came across the concept of thought power, she decided to try it for herself. She meditated intensely, with the intent that she must travel to the nearby town, where she could meditate in the Pyramid Meditation Centre.  

Her intention got manifested, and her family soon shifted to the town, taking a house close by the Pyramid Meditation Centre. For most people, the Centre was within a 5-minute walk but, due to her condition, it took her 90 minutes to reach. She did not give up; every single day she walked to the Pyramid to meditate. Gradually, her condition improved, her walking time reduced, and after 6 months it took her only 20 minutes to reach.

Rajeshwari’s parents used to worry that she would always remain single and have no one to take care of her after they are gone. She, too, deeply desired to start living a life of freedom and independence from her parents. With this thought in her mind, she sat in meditation, seeking guidance. She started thinking about her life ahead and decided to get married. She wanted to manifest a life partner. He was to be a meditator and a vegetarian, who would support her spiritual growth and freedom.  

Within a few months Thirumalesh, a meditation master who conducted classes at the Pyramid Centre, asked her to marry him. He revealed to her that it was during meditation that he got the insight and guidance to marry her. Although happy with the proposal, she was well aware of her physical disability, so she asked him to take more time to think about his decision. Within 2 years, the two of them got happily married in the same Pyramid Centre where they had first met. Ever since, irrespective of her life circumstances, Rajeshwari believes in herself, boldly faces her challenges, and chooses a positive attitude instead of depression.  

The Science Behind Rajeshwari’s Manifestation

Through the power of her will and resolute intention, Rajeshwari managed to improve her physical condition—from a state of complete paralysis, she first began to make small movements, and then get up from the bed by herself. She later improved her mobility even further, reducing the time to reach the meditation center from 90 to 20 minutes. Even though these changes appear miraculous, researchers have examined and reported the neurophysiology of such phenomena. For example, in 2014, a study by the University of Ohio found that thinking about physical exercise (without actually performing it) is enough to strengthen the muscles. Namely, volunteers had their wrists wrapped in surgical casts for a month; half of them were instructed to daily sit still for 11 minutes, 5 times a week, intently imagining that they are flexing their muscles. When the casts were finally removed, those in the intervention group had twice stronger wrist muscles compared to those in the control group. Many similar studies have confirmed that focused thought, or powerful intention (imagery exercises), creates and strengthens neuromuscular pathways which leads to such remarkable results.1,2  

The second benefit Rajeshwari got from her meditation is mindfulness of her self-image as a construct imposed by other people (and the society at large). Her prolonged periods of self-reflection and meditation made her realize that she had been conditioned, since childhood, to perceive herself as less capable, less beautiful, and thus less deserving than others. When she released these erroneous ideas about herself and began to embrace herself for who she is, she elevated her emotions. She deprogrammed herself of her limited beliefs, replacing the feelings of inferiority, shame, pain, and despair, with feelings of self-love, self-empowerment, hope, and positive anticipation. As a result, she raised her vibrations, strengthened her electromagnetic field, and became capable of resonating with people and circumstances aligned with her highest vision and goals.3 Through this, she entered a space where she felt at ease (the Meditation Centre) and connected on a deeply personal level with a man who soon became her life partner.  


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