In September 2016, while practicing her walking meditation along Australia’s beautiful Sunshine Coast, Adrena had a profound experience. Toward the end of her meditation, when she stopped for the final part, she was feeling connected, uplifted, and expansive. As she followed my instructions, she opened herself up to the field intending to be worthy of her future life. With no warning, she felt an electric charge enter her body through the crown of her head, where it continued to flow down into her heart. As the energy coursed through the rest of her body, surging through her thighs and down into her feet, her legs began shaking uncontrollably.
“The only way I can describe it is that there was an intense shaking from the inside,” she told me, “but it was a voltage of energy that my body had never experienced. I thought I was going to fall over. It was at that point I lost all conscious control over my lower body.” She burst into uncontrollable tears, and with that release, her mind and body also began to let go. Time appeared to stand still. Adrena understood that her body was surrendering a lifetime of past unresolved emotions. As the surge of electricity continued to move through her, she felt huge amounts of dense, dark matter falling away from her body.
“I believe this matter was trauma, not only from my lifetime but also past lifetimes,” she remembered. “It included the trauma of my father nearly dying from a suicide attempt when I was eight, which has cast a shadow over my life by preventing me from allowing myself to receive unconditional love.” She felt all her limiting beliefs—many of which she had acquired through deep emotional conditioning and the unconscious beliefs of others—simply dissolve.
“Everything that was not in alignment with who I just fell away,” Adrena said. “I experienced true liberation, something my soul has been yearning for for a very long time. I knew at that moment that my soul had guided me to that very beach, at that very moment, with all these people, to do this important work.”
She fell to her knees, an overwhelming amount of love flowing through her. Kneeling in the sand, humbled by this power, she saw that every choice she had made up to that point was necessary for her to arrive at this poignant moment. In that instant, she observed who she had been for the last year, consistently choosing to do the meditations every day, all the while falling in love with herself. She knew that her future self at that moment was calling her past self to have this experience of profound love.
When Adrena came back to the three-dimensional reality of her senses, she felt an overwhelming sense of peace and oneness with everything around her. She reported a deep reconnection to her physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self, and said she felt more like “herself” than she had in a very long time.
“This experience reminded me that I am, as we all are, an aspect of divine energy,” she said, “and that I am worthy of receiving it.”
~Excerpt from the book “Becoming Supernatural—How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, California, 2017~