Equal Breathing Technique
Equal breathing is a simple breathwork technique that is based on the idea of “equal breaths”—the equal time allotted to the inhalation and the exhalation parts of your breath cycle. A version of this technique is also found in the yogic tradition of pranayama, which is known as sama vritti. The technique is helpful because it can activate the parasympathetic nervous system and relax your mind and body. You can perform this breathwork technique anywhere you like.
The equal breathing technique explained
Step 1: Posture
Either come into a comfortable seating or a comfortable standing position, where you can straighten your spine and relax your shoulders
Close your eyes gently and start observing your breath
Step 2: Breathing
Breathe in through your nose to a count of three
Breathe out through your nose to a count of three
Feel free to make the count higher, lengthening both your inhalation and exhalation proportionately
Repeat the cycle for 10 minutes
Equal breathing relaxes the central nervous system
Equal breathing improves your focus and concentration
Equal breathing establishes a rhythm for your practice
Equal breathing quiets the mind
Equal breathing helps you to access your full breathing capacity
Sitting cross-legged is optional. You can make your back straight if that is more comfortable.
Relax your jaw, throat, neck, and shoulders throughout the exercise, letting go of any unnecessary tension.
Your breath should never be forced or strained. If necessary, you can alter the pace of breathing.
Best time to practice equal breathing
Immediately after you wake up in the morning
Anytime during your work, when you need to take a break and relax
Anytime in the day
Guided equal breathing session
To begin practicing the equal breathing technique, you can go through this guided, six-minute-long demonstration: bit.ly/3F937NN