Case Study: Ginny Heals Her Chronic Back And Leg Pain
After a car accident, Ginny suffered from intense chronic pain in her lower back, which made walking, sitting, and even sleeping difficult. She was advised to undergo lumbar surgery to repair the herniated discs, followed by spinal fusion. After she began to meditate, do breathwork, and direct her awareness on the energy centers in her body, Ginny self-healed, became pain-free, and canceled her scheduled surgery.
On December 9, 2013, Ginny was driving on the highway in Las Vegas when her car was hit from behind. Even though she slammed on the brakes, the impact catapulted her car into the car in front of her, resulting in a double impact. She immediately felt a burning sensation in her lower back as pain shot down her right leg. When the paramedics arrived, she described her pain as moderate, but over the next few days, the pain increased until it was constant and severe. Most of her pain was in her lower lumbar spine, caused by two herniated discs (L4 and L5). She also felt pain radiating down her right leg to her foot.
Ginny saw a chiropractor three times a week, but the pain worsened. She then saw a pain management doctor who prescribed muscle relaxants, Neurontin (a nerve pain medication), and Mobic (a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug). After nine months, the pain was still intense, so she had injections in her back. They didn’t help.
As a result, Ginny had difficulty walking and found driving almost impossible. She also had trouble sleeping, managing to get only four or five hours a night. The constant pain in her lower back became worse when she was sitting, lifting something, or standing for long periods. Sometimes she could sit for only 20 minutes at a time. Because of all this, she spent most of her days in bed, where she was able to find a little relief when lying on her right side with her knees bent.
Ginny was unable to care for her two children, ages three and five, and she was also unable to work as much as she had before. She depended on her husband to drive her places since she could no longer drive herself. All of these factors created serious financial problems and emotional stress for the whole family. Ginny became depressed and angry at life. Although she had attended her first workshop with me before the accident and had been doing her meditations, after the accident she stopped meditating regularly because the pain got too severe and she said she couldn’t sit or concentrate.
After two years, her doctor suggested lumbar surgery to repair the herniated discs. If that didn’t work, he said, Ginny could consider additional surgery, including spinal fusion. She decided to go ahead with the initial surgery.
In the meantime, Ginny’s husband convinced her to attend another one of my advanced seminars in Seattle, which started just one week before her surgery date. Staying seated for the flight was painful, but she made it. While Ginny enjoyed seeing her old friends and meeting new ones at the event, she also felt saddened and frustrated because she couldn’t muster the same enthusiasm everyone else had. She just wanted to take some painkillers and go to bed. When she was leaving the first night’s gathering, her good friend Jill, filled with compassion and hope, said with conviction, “Ginny, you will be healed tomorrow—right here!” We started the next day at 6:00 A.M. Ginny decided to avoid taking any heavy medications so she could be present in the meditations and enjoy the experience. Unfortunately, her pain made it very difficult to focus during the first meditation and she wondered if the decision to attend had been a mistake.
During the second meditation after breakfast, though, things shifted. Ginny decided to surrender and leave all her judgment behind. The meditation began as usual with the breathing exercise of pulling the mind out of the body, during which I told the participants to focus on two or three negative emotions or limited aspects of their personality. I asked them to move all that stored energy from the first three energy centers up from the base of their spine, all the way up to their brain—and eventually release it out of the top of their heads.
First, Ginny chose to work with her anger, which she believed had been a contributing factor in keeping her body in so much pain. During the meditation, she felt energy moving up her spine and then sensed an intense energy leaving her body through the back of her head. The second thing she picked to work with was her pain. As she worked with her breath to move much of the energy related to her pain from her body to her brain, she felt the same energy she had when she was working with anger, although this time she saw the energy become a bright color with purple overtones. Suddenly, she sensed the energy slow down and become less intense. The music changed, and the main part of the meditation began. Ginny was feeling completely relaxed. She had liberated that energy out of her body.
As usual, I guided the group to feel different parts of their bodies in space and to sense the space around their bodies. Then I guided them to the infinite black space that is the quantum field. I asked them to become nobody, no one, nothing, nowhere, in no time and to become pure awareness—aware that they are aware in this endless vast space. At first, as I gave the instructions, Ginny had the distinct sense that she was floating. An intense sense of peace and unconditional love overtook her, and she lost track of time and space. She didn’t feel her physical body at all, nor did she feel any pain. Yet she was fully present and could hear and follow all the instructions I was giving.
“I never experienced anything like that before,” she told me later. “It was so profound that it’s difficult to put into words. My senses were magnified, and I felt connected to everybody, everyone, everything, every place, and every time. I was part of the whole, and the whole was part of me. There was no separation.”
Ginny got beyond her body, her environment, and her time. Her consciousness had connected to the consciousness of the unified field (the place she described where there’s only wholeness and there’s no separation). She had found the sweet spot of the generous present moment, and her autonomic nervous system stepped in and did the healing for her.
In our advanced workshops, our students lie down after every meditation and surrender to allow the autonomic nervous system to take over and program their bodies. At the end of this meditation, when I asked everyone to come back to their new bodies, Ginny was surprised to discover that she felt no pain as she got up from the floor to stand—a process that she normally would have needed help with. She started walking without limping, her back straight.
We broke for lunch, but Ginny didn’t feel like eating much or even talking a lot. She was still overwhelmed with the meditation experience. After two years of near-constant pain, it felt so freeing to be without it anymore. She started crying tears of joy and confusion simultaneously. She looked for two of her friends to share the good news, including Jill (who had been so sure the night before that Ginny would be healed). They encouraged Ginny to try movements that she hadn’t been able to do when she was in pain—and she performed all of them without any pain at all. As the day continued, Ginny’s pain stayed away, and she continued to feel connected to the unified field.
That evening, Ginny called her husband, who told her that somehow he just knew she’d be able to heal her pain at the workshop. She had a great dinner with her friends, and when she went to bed, she didn’t take any of her pain medication or muscle relaxers. She slept through the night for the very first time in years, waking up filled with energy. The next day, I guided the group in a walking meditation. Ginny was able to walk straight and tall, with no pain or difficulty. Needless to say, she canceled the surgery, and she has remained pain-free.
~Excerpt from the book “Becoming Supernatural—How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, California, 2017~