Transforming Life Through 40 Days of Meditation

By committing to a 40-day meditation program, Lakshmi entered a state of physical, mental, and behavioral coherence. In addition to improving her health, gaining confidence, and experiencing more harmonious relationships with others, Lakshmi also began to bring hope and optimism to those around her.  

Lakshmi is a Senior Manager in a large multinational company. To improve her overall state of well-being, she committed to meditating daily for 40 days. A 40-day cycle is highly recommended for any technique to make a lasting change. Lakshmi meditated in the morning every day, and she soon started experiencing the first positive outcomes.  

Physically, she felt more fit and no longer had difficulties getting up early in the morning and completing an hour-long meditation session.  

Mentally, she experienced another shift. She started feeling happy for no reason and content with whatever she had.  

Professionally, she experienced that she could now effortlessly start any new project. She felt much more confident in her role and capabilities, and she no longer felt any tension or friction in her relationship with her colleagues and higher management. She no longer experiences anxiety about how the project will unfold in the future.  

Socially, her relationships with people around her also improved. She started feeling more in harmony with others.  

Lakshmi also experienced a very positive behavioral change. She developed a book-reading habit. For many years, whenever she would be interested in a particular book, she would usually start reading, but never complete it. After meditating regularly, she was able to maintain her interest focus on several books and read them completely. She realized that reading books is giving her many insights, even in areas that are different from her professional focus.  

By achieving her state of coherence, Lakshmi has now also started to positively induce others, too, into a state of coherence. Having gained from books some positive insights about how our beliefs and mental coherence can affect the physiology and genetics of the human body, she decided to share a copy of the book “You Are the Placebo” by Joe Dispenza with her father. He was diagnosed with rapidly progressing Parkinson’s disease. His response was: “I find it interesting, and I find some hope at the end of the day.” Lakshmi sees this as an important step towards his healing.   


Based on the testimonial “40 days of Meditation brought so many changes in my work and family life” by Lakshmi (Buddha CEO Foundation):  



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