Meditation Technique: Blessing The Energy Centers Meditation

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s “Blessing the Energy Centers Meditation” is a simple yet powerful technique of bringing your awareness and attention to the energy centers in your body (also known as chakras). The technique unblocks the energy centers, brings you to a state of elevated emotions, and strengthens the personal electromagnetic field that surrounds your body.  

Begin by placing your attention in the first energy center, and then move to open up your attention to the space around this center. Once you can sense this space around the energy center, bless that center for the greatest good, and then connect to elevated emotions—like love, gratitude, or joy—to raise the frequency of this center and also create a coherent field of energy.  

Do this for each of the seven energy centers in the body, and when you come to the eighth center, a place about 16 inches above your head, bless this center with gratitude or appreciation or thankfulness, because gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership. This center will then begin to open the door to profound information from the quantum field.  

Now open your focus and place your attention on the electromagnetic energy surrounding your entire body, building a new field of energy. As your body draws from a new field of electromagnetic energy, you become more light, more energy, and less matter—and you raise your body’s frequency.  

Remember: If you are going to create the unlimited, you have to feel unlimited. If you are going to heal in a magnificent way, you have to feel magnificent. Tap into elevated emotion and sustain it throughout the meditation.  

Once you’ve blessed each of the energy centers, lie down for at least 15 minutes. Relax, surrender, and let your autonomic nervous system take orders and integrate all of this information into your body.  


~Excerpt from the book “Becoming Supernatural—How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, California, 2017~ 


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