The 4-4-6-2 Breathing Technique

Also known under the name “Descending,” the 4-4-6-2 breathwork technique is known to generate a state of calm and relaxation, and enhance focus and clarity.

This exercise helps slow the breathing, and the long exhale engages the parasympathetic system, which is responsible for the rest & digest or feed & breed responses.

The Best Time to Do This Breathwork Technique

This technique is helpful to do when you suffer from anxiousness before bed, or generally after a period of wearing a mask.

The Procedure: How to Do 4-4-6-2 Breathing

  • Sit in a calm and comfortable position

  • Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds

  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds

  • Exhale through the mouth for 6 seconds

  • Hold for 2 seconds

This completes one cycle using the 4-4-6-2style of breathing. Continue breathing using the same 4-4-6-2 pattern.


You can do 4-4-6-2 breathing for 5 to 10 cycles (2–3 mins).

You will be able to experience immediate results with this breathwork technique every time you have difficulty in breathing, or when you suffer from short breathing.

However, it is important to relax while you engage in this breathwork technique, without forcing your body in any way.


Regular practice of the 4-4-6-2 breathing technique relaxes your body, induces a sense of calmness in the body and the mind, brings clarity, and sharpens your focus.


The following 1-min video will help you start your 4-4-6-2 breathing practice:


Square Breathing or Box Breathing [Four Counts]


Meditation Technique : Heart Coherence Meditation