The Astonishing Power Of The Mind—Understanding The Technique Of Mental Rehearsal

The body automatically behaves in a way that matches both one’s conscious and unconscious intentions. When we “practice” a particular behavior in the mind (through mental imagery or visualization), the body undergoes changes that are expected to be seen in individuals who have physically performed that action or behavior. This technique of mental rehearsal can be used to recondition the mind, heart, and body into a new reality. 

The body automatically behaves in a way that matches both one’s conscious and unconscious intentions. Knowing this, we can change the brain and the body using nothing more than the power of thought. When we “practice” a particular behavior in our mind (through mental imagery or visualization), our body undergoes changes that are expected to be seen in individuals who have physically performed that action or behavior. The results are strengthened when an emotional component is added to the process (intensive, heart-felt intention and immersion). By creating an inner experience, the brain, and the body are signaled the same way as in the case of a bona fide experience.  

The principle of mental rehearsal is quite simple:  

“If you focus your attention on specific imagery in your mind and become very present with a sequence of repeated thoughts and feelings, your brain and body will not know the difference between what is occurring in the outer world and what is happening in your inner world. So, when you are fully engaged and focused, the inner world of imagination will appear as an outer-world experience—and your biology will change accordingly. That means you can make your brain and body look as if a physical experience has already happened without having the experience. What you put your attention on and mentally rehearse repeatedly not only becomes who you are from a biological perspective, it also determines your future.” (Dr. Joe Dispenza) 

The people who learned to play the piano without touching the instrument  

The concept of mental rehearsal has been validated scientifically. Researchers from Harvard experimented on volunteers who did not play the piano. They split them into two groups. Those in the first group practiced a five-finger piano exercise for two hours every day, over five days. Those in the second group were introduced to the same exercise, but instead of physically practicing, they were asked to just imagine performing it. Brain scans were done before and after the experiment showed that all volunteers developed a considerable number of new neural pathways in the region of the brain that controls finger movement. There was no neurological difference between those individuals who performed the exercise and those who only mentally imagined it. In other words, those who used just the power of their attention and intention caused their brain circuits to fire and wire—they primed the brain for the experience ahead of time.  

The people who flexed their muscles without going to the gym 

In another experiment conducted by the Cleveland Clinic, participants were asked to imagine flexing their biceps five times a week over 3 months. At the end of the study, the participants gained 13.5 percent in biceps strength, without having performed any actual fitness program. Variants of this experiment have been replicated by other scientists and research centers, showing comparable results. At Ohio University, volunteers had their wrists wrapped in surgical casts. Participants in the experimental group were asked to mentally “exercise” their immobilized wrist muscles. After a month, the casts were removed, and results showed that the wrist muscles of the people in the experimental group were twice as strong as those of the people in the control group.  


What mental rehearsal can do for you? 

A strong intention—or a firm decision—to change one’s life carries energy that can cause the body to “respond” to the mind. To restore the physical, mental, and emotional equilibrium it is necessary to change the negative thoughts, base emotions, and habitual behavior. Since the body does not differentiate between a real and imagined event, by nurturing positive, elevated emotions, one can “teach” the body to experience what a certain situation (of happiness, well-being, and fulfillment) would feel like, even though it has not (yet) happened. When one stops engaging in a repeated negative thought, the circuits in the brain associated with that thought stop wiring together (they get pruned). This is how you begin to transform your life and experience profound changes.  


~This article is based on the book “Becoming Supernatural—How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Hay House, Inc., Carlsbad, California, 2017~ 


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